Oracle sql query Oracle sql query oracle oracle

Oracle sql query

I think you forgot to use "on" clause for join. You can try this :

SELECT a.A_ID, a.Clob_Col, b.B_ID, c.C_IDfrom A aLEFT JOIN B b on a.A_ID=b.A_IDLEFT JOIN C c on b.C_ID=c.C_IDWHERE a.A_ID between 2 and 7AND c.C_ID NOT IN (22, 23, 24)

Hope it will work.

Include what your joining on and also you can use BETWEEN for the first WHERE clause.

Also i would use INNER JOINS rather then LEFT as per your data.


I think this does what you're after:

with a as (select 1 a_id, 'val1' clob_col from dual union all           select 2 a_id, 'val2' clob_col from dual union all           select 3 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 4 a_id, 'val4' clob_col from dual union all           select 5 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 6 a_id, 'val6' clob_col from dual union all           select 7 a_id, 'val7' clob_col from dual union all           select 8 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 9 a_id, 'val9' clob_col from dual union all           select 10 a_id, 'val10' clob_col from dual),     b as (select 10 b_id, 1 a_id, 20 c_id from dual union all           select 11 b_id, 2 a_id, 20 c_id from dual union all           select 12 b_id, 6 a_id, 21 c_id from dual union all           select 13 b_id, 7 a_id, 22 c_id from dual union all           select 14 b_id, 8 a_id, 22 c_id from dual union all           select 15 b_id, 9 a_id, 23 c_id from dual),     c as (select 20 c_id from dual union all           select 21 c_id from dual union all           select 22 c_id from dual union all           select 23 c_id from dual union all           select 24 c_id from dual union all           select 25 c_id from dual)select a.a_id, a.clob_col, b.b_id, c.c_idfrom   a       left outer join b on (a.a_id = b.a_id)       left outer join c on (b.c_id = c.c_id)where  a.a_id between 2 and 7and    (c.c_id not in (22, 23, 24) or c.c_id is null)order by a.a_id;      A_ID CLOB_COL       B_ID       C_ID---------- -------- ---------- ----------         2 val2             11         20         3                                        4 val4                                   5                                        6 val6             12         21and if c_id is 27 for a_id = 6 in the b table:      A_ID CLOB_COL       B_ID       C_ID---------- -------- ---------- ----------         2 val2             11         20         3                                        4 val4                                   5                                        6 val6             12  

You have to take account of the fact that c_id could be null, as well as not being in the set of values being excluded.

ETA: Thanks to Ponder Stibbons' suggestion in the comments, if you didn't want the row to be displayed where a.a_id = b.a_id matches but there isn't a match on b.c_id = c.c_id, then changing the or c.c_id is null to or b.c_id is null removes that row:

with a as (select 1 a_id, 'val1' clob_col from dual union all           select 2 a_id, 'val2' clob_col from dual union all           select 3 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 4 a_id, 'val4' clob_col from dual union all           select 5 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 6 a_id, 'val6' clob_col from dual union all           select 7 a_id, 'val7' clob_col from dual union all           select 8 a_id, null clob_col from dual union all           select 9 a_id, 'val9' clob_col from dual union all           select 10 a_id, 'val10' clob_col from dual),     b as (select 10 b_id, 1 a_id, 20 c_id from dual union all           select 11 b_id, 2 a_id, 20 c_id from dual union all           select 12 b_id, 6 a_id, 27 c_id from dual union all           select 13 b_id, 7 a_id, 22 c_id from dual union all           select 14 b_id, 8 a_id, 22 c_id from dual union all           select 15 b_id, 9 a_id, 23 c_id from dual),     c as (select 20 c_id from dual union all           select 21 c_id from dual union all           select 22 c_id from dual union all           select 23 c_id from dual union all           select 24 c_id from dual union all           select 25 c_id from dual)select a.a_id, a.clob_col, b.b_id, c.c_idfrom   a       left outer join b on (a.a_id = b.a_id)       left outer join c on (b.c_id = c.c_id)where  a.a_id between 2 and 7and    (c.c_id not in (22, 23, 24) or b.c_id is null)order by a.a_id;