Oracle SQL -- select from two columns and combine into one Oracle SQL -- select from two columns and combine into one oracle oracle

Oracle SQL -- select from two columns and combine into one

Here is solution without using unpivot.

with columns as (  select level as colNum from dual connect by level <= 2),results as (  select case colNum              when 1 then Val1              when 2 then Val2            end Val,         score    from vals,         columns)select * from results where val is not null

Here is essentially the same query without the WITH clause:

select case colNum            when 1 then Val1            when 2 then Val2         end Val,       score  from vals,       (select level as colNum from dual connect by level <= 2) columns where case colNum            when 1 then Val1            when 2 then Val2         end is not null

Or a bit more concisely

select *  from ( select case colNum                     when 1 then Val1                     when 2 then Val2                  end Val,                score           from vals,                (select level as colNum from dual connect by level <= 2) columns        ) results where val is not null

try this, looks like you want to convert column values into rows

select val1, score from vals where val1 is not nullunion select val2,score from vals where val2 is not null

If you're on Oracle 11, unPivot will help:

SELECT *  FROM valsUNPIVOT ( val FOR origin IN (val1, val2) )

you can choose any names instead of 'val' and 'origin'.

See Oracle article on pivot / unPivot.