Oracle -- WITH CLAUSE => MERGE? (Syntax error, ) Oracle -- WITH CLAUSE => MERGE? (Syntax error, ) oracle oracle

Oracle -- WITH CLAUSE => MERGE? (Syntax error, )

You can't use the WITH clause anywhere but in a SELECT statement. See the documentation here.:

You can specify this clause in any top-level SELECT statement and in most types of subqueries.

So, you can do something like this (11g tested):

MERGE INTO animalia dUSING (WITH X AS        (SELECT  'moo' AS COW, 'woof' AS CAT,                 (SELECT MAX( DECIBELS )                    FROM ANIMALIA                   WHERE COW = 'moo' ) AS DECIBELS          FROM DUAL )       SELECT * FROM X) q ON (1 = 1) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET d.cow = q.cow||' and more';