PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure oracle oracle

PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure

Note: This code is untested

Define a record for your refCursor return type, call it rec. For example:

TYPE MyRec IS RECORD (col1 VARCHAR2(10), col2 VARCHAR2(20), ...);  --define the recordrec MyRec;        -- instantiate the record

Once you have the refcursor returned from your procedure, you can add the following code where your comments are now:

LOOP  FETCH refCursor INTO rec;  EXIT WHEN refCursor%NOTFOUND;  dbms_output.put_line(rec.col1||','||rec.col2||','||...);END LOOP;

You can use a bind variable at the SQLPlus level to do this. Of course you have little control over the formatting of the output.

VAR x REFCURSOR;EXEC GetGrantListByPI(args, :x);PRINT x;

If you want to print all the columns in your select clause you can go with the autoprint command.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sps_detail_dtest(v_refcur OUT sys_refcursor)ASBEGIN  OPEN v_refcur FOR 'select * from dummy_table';END;SET autoprint on;--calling the procedureVAR vcur refcursor;DECLARE BEGIN  sps_detail_dtest(vrefcur=>:vcur);END;

Hope this gives you an alternate solution