Programatically create ODBC connection and link tables in MS Access Programatically create ODBC connection and link tables in MS Access oracle oracle

Programatically create ODBC connection and link tables in MS Access

You want a DSN-less linked table connection from Access. It is possible and I've done it but I don't have the code with me. I think it was something like the below (this uses a SQL Server source but Oracle would just have a slightly different connection string). To have the table(s) created on startup you'll need to check for the existence of each tabledef prior to attempting to create them again and call a subroutine like the below upon Access database open.

Function LinkTables()    Dim DB As Database, tDef As TableDef    Set DB = CurrentDb    Set tDef = DB.CreateTableDef("YourAccessLinkedTableNameHere")    tDef.Connect = "ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};Server=srvname;Database=dbname;UID=sqluserid;PWD=sqlpwd"    tDef.SourceTableName = "dbo.YourSourceTableNameHere"    DB.TableDefs.Append tDefEnd Function

I do my programming on a workstation with a DSN defined, and then before distributing for production use, run a variant of Doug Steele's code to convert all the DSN-based connect strings to be DSN-less.