Raising errors from Java stored procedures without "ORA-29532 Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception" Raising errors from Java stored procedures without "ORA-29532 Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception" oracle oracle

Raising errors from Java stored procedures without "ORA-29532 Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception"

As I know, Oracle can't catch the Java errors directly. And the Oracle docs note of the ORA-29532 validate this idea:

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: string

Cause: A Java exception or error was signaled and could not be resolved by the Java code.

Action: Modify Java code, if this behavior is not intended.

According to this text, I think you should handle the exception in the Java code.

You can solve that with these things:

  1. The return value of the Java function may be String - not void, and you may send the error description in the return variable.
  2. You may save the error to an Oracle table in the Java code and read it in the PL/SQL code.
  3. You just send the error to the Oracle user dump file with the System.out.println();.

Edit: Adam's final solution

This is roughly what I implemented based on the answer:

package mypackage;public class MyClass {    public static final int SUCCESS = 1;    public static final int FAILURE = 0;    /**     * This method actually performs the business logic.     */    public static void doSomething(String arg1, String arg2) throws SQLException {        // Actually do something...    }    /**     * This method is called from PL/SQL.     */    public static int doSomething(String arg1, String arg2, int[] errorCode, String[] errorMessage) {        try {            doSomething(arg1, arg2);            return success();        } catch (SQLException e) {            return failure(e, errorCode, errorMessage);        }    }    private static int success() {        return SUCCESS;    }    private static int failure(SQLException e, int[] errorCode, String[] errorMessage) {        errorCode[0] = e.getErrorCode();        errorMessage[0] = e.getMessage();        return FAILURE;    }}

Then in PL/SQL:

SUCCESS CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1;FAILURE CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 0;SUBTYPE error_code_type  IS BINARY_INTEGER;SUBTYPE error_message_type IS VARCHAR2(1000);PROCEDURE  raise_error_if_failure  (    status        BINARY_INTEGER,    error_code    ERROR_CODE_TYPE,    error_message ERROR_MESSAGE_TYPE  )  ISBEGIN  IF status = FAILURE THEN    raise_application_error(error_code, error_message);  END IF;END;FUNCTION  do_something_in_java  (    arg1          VARCHAR2,    arg2          VARCHAR2,    error_code    OUT ERROR_CODE_TYPE,    error_message OUT ERROR_MESSAGE_TYPE  )  RETURN BINARY_INTEGER    AS LANGUAGE JAVA    NAME 'mypackage.MyClass.doSomething(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int[], java.lang.String[]) return int';PROCEDURE  do_something  (    arg1 VARCHAR2,    arg2 VARCHAR2  )IS  error_code    ERROR_CODE_TYPE;  error_message ERROR_MESSAGE_TYPE;BEGIN  raise_error_if_failure(      do_something_in_java(arg1, arg2, error_code, error_message),      error_code,      error_message    );END;

We have added DBMS_JAVA.endsession_and_related_state() within oracle procedure to capture exception resolved the issue.Also Agree Adam solution above too.