Refresh strategy for materialized views in a data warehouse Refresh strategy for materialized views in a data warehouse oracle oracle

Refresh strategy for materialized views in a data warehouse

Ok so here is the solution I came up with, your mileage may vary and any feedback is appreciated after the fact. The overall strategy was to do the following:

1) Utilize the Oracle Scheduler making use of parallel execution of chains (jobs)
2) Utilize views (the regular kind) as the interface from the application into the database
3) Rely on materialized views to be built in the following manner

 create materialized view foo      parallel      nologging      never refresh      as      select statement

as needed use the following:

   create index baz on foo(bar) nologging

The advantage of this is that we can build the materialized view in the background before dropping + recreating the view as described in step 2. Now the advantage is creating dynamically named materialized views, while keeping the view with the same name. The key is to not blow away the original materialized view until the new one is finished. This also allows for quick drops, as there is minimum redo to care about. This enabled materialized view creation on ~1 billion records in 5 minutes which met our requirement of "refreshes" every thirty minutes. Further this is able to be handled on a single database node, so even with constrained hardware, it is possible.

Here is a PL/SQL function that will create it for you:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure foo_bar asfoo_view varchar2(500) := 'foo_'|| to_char(sysdate,'dd_MON_yyyy_hh_mi_ss');BEGIN execute immediate 'Create materialized view '||  foo_view || '  parallel  nologging  never refresh  as  select * from cats';END foo_bar;