Return boolean value from oracle function Return boolean value from oracle function oracle oracle

Return boolean value from oracle function

Boolean values can only be used in other PL/SQL code, not in Oracle SQL. If you want a function whose return value is available in a select ... from dual then you will need to define the function to return varchar2 with the return values 'true' and 'false' respectively (or 'T' and 'F', or return number, with the values 1 and 0).

As sad as this is, Oracle SQL does not support the Boolean data type (although the programming language PL/SQL does).

use return varchar2

create or replace function compairenumber(num1 in number, num2 in number)  return varchar2 isbegin  if num1 < num2 then    return 'TRUE';  else    return 'FALSE';  end if;end;select CASE         WHEN compairenumber(5, 10) = 'TRUE' THEN          'OK'         ELSE          'NOT'       END  from dual