Saving date in UTC in Oracle Timestamp column Saving date in UTC in Oracle Timestamp column oracle oracle

Saving date in UTC in Oracle Timestamp column

LocalDateTime is the wrong class

The LocalDateTime class is not capable of tracking a moment in time. I cannot imagine a scenario where calling makes sense. Read the Javadoc before using a class.

Track a moment: Instant, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime

To track a moment, use Instant (always in UTC), OffsetDateTime (a moment with an offset-from-UTC), or ZonedDateTime (a moment as seen in a particular region).

Oddly, JDBC 4.2 requires support for OffsetDateTime yet leaves the most common two classes, Instant & ZonedDateTime, optional.

So, to capture the current moment in UTC for JDBC work:

OffsetDateTime odt = ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

Or the longer:

Instant instant = ;  // Capture current moment in UTC.OffsetDateTime odt = instant.atOffset( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

Send to database:

myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , odt ) ;

Retrieve from database:

OffsetDateTime odt = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;


I do not use JPA. But it looks this Question has you covered, JPA Storing OffsetDateTime with ZoneOffset. And see this post, What’s new in JPA 2.2 – Java 8 Date and Time Types.

Other time zones & offsets

only problem is in the database it is saving the UTC time but mentions MST

This documentation for Oracle Database seems to say that TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type does record the incoming data’s time zone or offset-from-UTC. Some other databases such as Postgres adjust incoming values to UTC (an offset of zero hours-minutes-seconds).

To get UTC, retrieve the OffsetDateTime as seen above, and call toInstant method to produce a Instant object which is always in UTC. Or produce another OffsetDateTime that is definitely in UTC:

OffsetDateTime odtUtc = odt.withOffsetSameInstant​( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ;

Table of date-time types in Java (both legacy and modern) and in standard SQL.