Select second most minimum value in Oracle Select second most minimum value in Oracle oracle oracle

Select second most minimum value in Oracle

Use an analytic function

SELECT value  FROM (SELECT value,               dense_rank() over (order by value asc) rnk          FROM table) WHERE rnk = 2

The analytic functions RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER are identical except for how they handle ties. RANK uses a sports-style process of breaking ties so if two rows tie for a rank of 1, the next row has a rank of 3. DENSE_RANK gives both of the rows tied for first place a rank of 1 and then assigns the next row a rank of 2. ROW_NUMBER arbitrarily breaks the tie and gives one of the two rows with the lowest value a rank of 1 and the other a rank of 2.

select   valuefrom  (select     value,     dense_rank() over (order by value) rank  from     table)where  rank = 2

Advantage: You can get the third value just as easy, or the bottom 10 rows (rank <= 10).

Note that the performance of this query will benefit from a proper index on 'value'.