Set line width for oracle cmd line Set line width for oracle cmd line oracle oracle

Set line width for oracle cmd line

SET LINESIZE sets the total number of characters that SQL*Plus displays on one line before beginning a new line.

However SET NUM is totaly different and sets the default width for displaying numbers.

see here

try setting also your pagesize to be able to see all your table content n one page :

set pagesize n

and increasing your linesize

It looks like your console is wrapping for you. Have you tried outputting that data to a text file and opening it in a proper text editor? Looking it through a console is always going to be constrained by the limits of the console. Spool it out to a file and see what you get.

Additionally answer you last edit, you can reformat the various columns using "column".

COLUMN emp_id format a20COLUMN emp_tel format a15COLUMN dept_time format a21COLUMN arrv_time format a21

Which will format the fields above and wrap excess onto the next line.