Set location of DLLs to load in web.config Set location of DLLs to load in web.config oracle oracle

Set location of DLLs to load in web.config

You can use the dependentAssembly element to specify where a dll lives through the codeBase element.

However, I believe this needs to be a valid URL.

Example from MSDN:

<configuration>   <runtime>      <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">         <dependentAssembly>            <assemblyIdentity name="myAssembly"                              publicKeyToken="32ab4ba45e0a69a1"                              culture="neutral" />            <bindingRedirect oldVersion=""                             newVersion=""/>            <codeBase version=""                      href=""/>         </dependentAssembly>      </assemblyBinding>   </runtime></configuration>

Probing paths let you specify where an application should look for assemblies. This won't affect putting things in the GAC, but gives you an alternative to storing everything in the bin folder.