This looks like the multi-hop impersonation issue to me.

If it's an option for you, I suggest having your application run under a single identity when accessing the database (this should also allow connection pooling to occur as a beneficial side-effect).

To do this, you would need to configure an app pool to run under an account that has access to Oracle. Once the application is running under that app pool, turn impersonation off in your application so that the database calls occur using the app pool identity.

If you have to impersonate the calling users over the network, the method used will depend on your environment. For more information, see How to Use Impersonation and Delegation in ASP.NET 2.0.

I was also facing the same issue, but finally got it working. Created a service account(named kerb_user in the active directory) and changed the app pool authentication to run as "kerb_user".First I tried with this, but it was failed.Please check the request log in oracle database, where you can verify the OS_USERNAME carefully. In my case it shows kerb_user, where as for other kerberos user requested OS_USERNAME was suffixed with domain name, which was missing in my case.Then I did two changes.

  1. Modified the app pool identity with domain name: kerb_user@xyz.com
  2. Modified the sqlnet.ora file on app server and changed authentication to "ALL"

//before - not working


//after - worked



  1. Check the oracle log, if requested OS_USERNAME is suffixed with domain name(here kerb_user@xyz.com) or not. If suffixed, will work for sure.

  2. Please verify service user on both side(app- AD User and db- Service User) server, user should have same name.

  3. Verify the service user access at db server and ensure, user must have kerberos access to that database.

  4. Check the SPN settings

Ref: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/27554/Authentication-in-web-services-using-C-and-Kerbero