Tool for making diagram from SQL query [closed] Tool for making diagram from SQL query [closed] oracle oracle

Tool for making diagram from SQL query [closed]

You can use the "Query Builder" tab of the Oracle's SQL Developer.

The result of your sample query will be:

query in query builder

Each of the sub queries are data sets, I would just make a plain English statement of what the query does, then describe the data sets and how they relate to one another in an entity-relationship manner, then show how the query satisfies the plain English statement. You can represent the E-R with any variety of tools.

Have found how to do it in Toad, which i prefer above Sql Developer.Open the editorwindow, paste the sql, rightclick in the editorwindow and select "Send to queryviewer"My sql above is too complicated to use this technique but it's nice to know i can use it in the future with more "normal" queries.Points to Sergio.