Unix shell script run SQL scripts in parallel Unix shell script run SQL scripts in parallel oracle oracle

Unix shell script run SQL scripts in parallel

The first command should run synchronously...

If you start the two last commands as background processes (add & at the end of the command), they will run in parallel.

Do you want the script to wait for the two last processes to be complete before leaving?

Something like this should work:

  sqlplus user1/pw @/home/scripts/tst1.sql  sqlplus user1/pw @/home/scripts/tst2.sql &  pid2=$!  sqlplus user1/pw @/home/scripts/tst3.sql &  pid3=$!  # pseudo-code:  # while (`ps -p"$pid2,$pid3" | wc -l` != "1");  sqlplus user1/pw @/home/scripts/tst4.sql