Using an Oracle Table Type in IN-clause - compile fails Using an Oracle Table Type in IN-clause - compile fails oracle oracle

Using an Oracle Table Type in IN-clause - compile fails

In Oracle versions prior to 12.2 you can only SELECT from a collection type that is defined in the database via a CREATE TYPE statement, not an associative array:

CREATE TYPE t_id_table IS TABLE OF NVARCHAR(38);CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE some_package AS  PROCEDURE someentity_select(    p_ids     IN  t_guid_table,     p_results OUT SYS_REFCURSOR);END;CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY some_package AS  PROCEDURE someentity_select(    p_ids     IN  t_guid_table,     p_results OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)  IS  BEGIN    OPEN p_results FOR       SELECT *       FROM someschema.someentity       WHERE id IN (SELECT column_value FROM TABLE(p_ids));  END;END;

This is an index-by table, which is a PL/SQL type.

You can only use SQL types in the SQL engine of Oracle. Or PL/SQL types, that Oracle can hack around to look like SQL types.

You can have a simple array-like collection and use it as a result. (no index by)

type TGuidList is table of NVarchar(38);

But the best compatibility and stability, you get by declaring it as a global SQL type and use that inside your package:

create type TGuidList is table of NVarchar(38);

Edit: You will not need an NVarChar for a GUID, will you? A good ol' VarChar should do the trick just fine.