Using Oracle MERGE on same table based on condition Using Oracle MERGE on same table based on condition oracle oracle

Using Oracle MERGE on same table based on condition

Your business rule indicates a match on DATE and TYPE. So there are two things wrong with your code:

  1. the USING clause needs to select all the criteria necessary for determining a match.
  2. the ON clause needs to test all the criteria necessary for determining a match.

Also, if you don't need to update existing records you can omit the WHEN MATCHED branch. So your MERGE statement should look something like this:

merge into task using (     select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'BATTLE' as typ from dual union all    select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'JUGGLE' as typ from dual union all    select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'PLOT' as typ from dual ) qon (task.task_date = q.dt    and task.task_type = q.typ)when not matched then     insert values (task_id_seq.nextval, q.dt, q.typ)/   

A demo. Given this starting point ...

SQL> select * from task;   TASK_ID TASK_DATE  TASK_TYPE---------- ---------- ----------         1 2017-05-06 CLEAN         2 2017-05-06 BATTLE         3 2017-05-06 JUGGLE         4 2017-05-07 JUGGLE         5 2017-05-07 CLEAN         6 2017-05-07 NAP         7 2017-05-08 BATTLE7 rows selected.SQL>

... the above MERGE should insert two rows (one row in the data source matches an existing row).

SQL> merge into task   2  using (   3     select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'BATTLE' as typ from dual union all  4     select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'JUGGLE' as typ from dual union all  5     select date '2017-05-08' as dt, 'PLOT' as typ from dual ) q  6  on (task.task_date = q.dt  7     and task.task_type = q.typ)  8  when not matched then   9     insert values (task_id_seq.nextval, q.dt, q.typ) 10  /  2 rows merged.SQL> select * from task  2  /   TASK_ID TASK_DATE  TASK_TYPE---------- ---------- ----------         1 2017-05-06 CLEAN         2 2017-05-06 BATTLE         3 2017-05-06 JUGGLE         4 2017-05-07 JUGGLE         5 2017-05-07 CLEAN         6 2017-05-07 NAP         7 2017-05-08 BATTLE         9 2017-05-08 JUGGLE        10 2017-05-08 PLOT9 rows selected.SQL> 

The data source is not entirely clear. So in the above example I generated a set of tasks using DUAL. If what you want is to create a new set of tasks for today from the set for yesterday the USING clause would look like this:

merge into task using (     select trunc(sysdate) as dt, task_type as typ     from task    where task_date = trunc(sysdate) - 1 ) qon (task.task_date = q.dt    and task.task_type = q.typ)when not matched then     insert values (task_id_seq.nextval, q.dt, q.typ)/

Using the same starting data as before this version inserts three rows:

SQL> select * from task;   TASK_ID TASK_DATE  TASK_TYPE---------- ---------- ----------         1 2017-05-06 CLEAN         2 2017-05-06 BATTLE         3 2017-05-06 JUGGLE         4 2017-05-07 JUGGLE         5 2017-05-07 CLEAN         6 2017-05-07 NAP         7 2017-05-08 BATTLE        11 2017-05-08 CLEAN        12 2017-05-08 JUGGLE        13 2017-05-08 NAP10 rows selected.SQL>