WebSphere MQ/MQSeries - Possible to send a message to multiple queues with single call? WebSphere MQ/MQSeries - Possible to send a message to multiple queues with single call? oracle oracle

WebSphere MQ/MQSeries - Possible to send a message to multiple queues with single call?

With WMQ v7 you can do this easily and with administration only. You would create a topic object and then an alias over the topic. The Oracle app writes to the alias and does not know that it is actually publishing.

Meanwhile, you make two administrative subscriptions on the topic so that publications are delivered to your two destination queues. The apps consuming them have no idea that the messages were published as opposed to delivered through point-to-point queues.

If you are not familiar with the new WMQ v7 features, take a look at the Infocenter. In particular, the "What's New in V7" section and the sections on Pub/Sub.

You can accomplish this using "Distribution Lists" in WebsphereMQ. These have to be configured on your queue manager.

Take a look at the Wesbphere MQ Application Programming Guide for more info.