What do the letter codes in Oracle user_contraints table's constraint_type column stand for? What do the letter codes in Oracle user_contraints table's constraint_type column stand for? oracle oracle

What do the letter codes in Oracle user_contraints table's constraint_type column stand for?

From the 12cR1 documentation:

C - Check constraint on a table  P - Primary key  U - Unique key  R - Referential integrity  V - With check option, on a view  O - With read only, on a view  H - Hash expression  F - Constraint that involves a REF column  S - Supplemental logging

Code Description                Acts On Level---------------------------------------------C    Check on a table           ColumnO    Read Only on a view        ObjectP    Primary Key                ObjectR    Referential (Foreign Key)  ColumnU    Unique Key                 ColumnV    Check Option on a view     Object