What does PARTITION BY 1 mean? What does PARTITION BY 1 mean? oracle oracle

What does PARTITION BY 1 mean?

It is an unusual use of PARTITION BY. What it does is put everything into the same partition so that if the query returns 123 rows altogether, then the value of rows_in_result on each row will be 123 (as its alias implies).

It is therefore equivalent to the more concise:


Databases are quite free to add restrictions to the OVER() clause. Sometimes, either PARTITION BY [...] and/or ORDER BY [...] are mandatory clauses, depending on the aggregate function. PARTITION BY 1 may just be a dummy clause used for syntax integrity. The following two are usually equivalent:

[aggregate function] OVER ()[aggregate function] OVER (PARTITION BY 1)

Note, though, that Sybase SQL Anywhere and CUBRID interpret this 1 as being a column index reference, similar to what is possible in the ORDER BY [...] clause. This might appear to be a bit surprising as it imposes an evaluation order to the query's projection. In your case, this would then mean that the following are equivalent


This curious deviation from other databases' interpretation allows for referencing more complex grouping expressions.