What is the difference between TRUNC and TO_DATE in Hive What is the difference between TRUNC and TO_DATE in Hive oracle oracle

What is the difference between TRUNC and TO_DATE in Hive


Hive Operators and User-Defined Functions (UDFs)


Returns the date part of a timestamp string (pre-Hive 2.1.0):
to_date("1970-01-01 00:00:00") = "1970-01-01".
As of Hive 2.1.0, returns a date object.
Prior to Hive 2.1.0 (HIVE-13248) the return type was a String because no Date type existed when the method was created.


Returns date truncated to the unit specified by the format (as of Hive1.2.0).
Supported formats: MONTH/MON/MM, YEAR/YYYY/YY.
Example: trunc('2015-03-17', 'MM') = 2015-03-01.


You have errors in your original query

  1. There was no comma between TASK_NO and (CASE WHEN
  2. Trunc in Hive must take 1 parameter, and there is no parameter for day.
  3. There is no minus operator for dates (and definitly not for strings). This results in a NULL.


The only recognize date format in Hive is YYYY-MM-DD which does not match your data.
Applying date functions on invalid string result in NULL.

This is how you convert your data format to dates:

hive> select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('07-OCT-16 12:30:54','dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss'));OK2016-10-07 12:30:54

and the whole query:

select  ORDER_NO       ,NAME       ,DATE_fixed       ,TASK_NO              ,case             when    DATE_uts                 -   LAG(DATE_uts) OVER                     (                        PARTITION BY    ORDER_NO,NAME,to_date(DATE_fixed)                         ORDER BY        DATE_fixed                    )                <= 60*30            then    0            else    1        end             AS COUNT1    from   (select  ORDER_NO               ,NAME               ,TASK_NO               ,from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(DATE_,'dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss'))   as DATE_fixed               ,unix_timestamp(DATE_,'dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss')                  as DATE_uts                       from    t        ) t;        

ABC123  Humpty  2016-10-07 12:30:54 2   1ABC123  Humpty  2016-10-07 12:30:54 1   0ABC123  Humpty  2016-10-07 12:32:20 6   0

This were also the results when I tested it on Oracle