Appending two dataframes with same columns, different order Appending two dataframes with same columns, different order pandas pandas

Appending two dataframes with same columns, different order

You could also use pd.concat:

In [36]: pd.concat([noclickDF, clickDF], ignore_index=True)Out[36]:    click    id  location0      0   123       3211      0  1543       4322      1   421       1233      1   436      1543

Under the hood, DataFrame.append calls pd.concat.DataFrame.append has code for handling various types of input, such as Series, tuples, lists and dicts. If you pass it a DataFrame, it passes straight through to pd.concat, so using pd.concat is a bit more direct.

For future users (sometime >pandas 0.23.0):

You may also need to add sort=True to sort the non-concatenation axis when it is not already aligned (i.e. to retain the OP's desired concatenation behavior). I used the code contributed above and got a warning, see Python Pandas User Warning. The code below works and does not throw a warning.

In [36]: pd.concat([noclickDF, clickDF], ignore_index=True, sort=True)Out[36]:    click    id  location0      0   123       3211      0  1543       4322      1   421       1233      1   436      1543

You can use append for that

 df = noclickDF.append(clickDF) print df     click    id  location 0      0   123       321   1      0  1543       432 0      1   421       123 1      1   436      1543

and if you need you can reset the index by

df.reset_index(drop=True)print df   click    id  location0      0   123       3211      0  1543       4322      1   421       1233      1   436      1543