Boxplot with Pandas in Python Boxplot with Pandas in Python pandas pandas

Boxplot with Pandas in Python

You can filter the dataframe and create boxplot with parameter by.

filtered_df = df[(df['PART'] == 1) & (df['J'] == 3) & (df['P'] == 50)]filtered_df.boxplot(column = 'AVG', by = 'METHOD', patch_artist = True)

For the following sample df

df = pd.DataFrame({'PART':np.random.randint(1,4,10000), 'METHOD':np.random.choice(list('ABCD'), 10000), 'J':np.random.randint(3,7, 10000), 'P':np.random.randint(50,100, 10000),'AVG':np.random.randn(10000),'STD':np.random.randn(10000)})

You get

enter image description here

Have you tried

(df.groupby(['PART', 'J', 'P']) .get_group((1, 3, 50)) .groupby('METHOD') .boxplot(column=['AVG', 'STD']));

which on the following sample data

      PART  METHOD  J    P         AVG         STD0       1   meth1   3   50      0.914482    0.63981       1   meth1   3   50      0.583014    0.51442       1   meth2   3   50      0.425134    0.57383       1   meth2   3   50      0.914199    0.29624       4   meth4   7   150     0.913014    0.61445       4   meth4   7   200     0.914199    0.2962


enter image description here


Given the latest update to the post, please consider doing

(df.groupby(['PART', 'J', 'P']) .get_group((1, 3, 50)) .boxplot(column=['AVG', 'STD'], by='METHOD'));

resulting in

enter image description here