Cross tab on one column where third column is matched Cross tab on one column where third column is matched pandas pandas

Cross tab on one column where third column is matched

You can solve this using merge and crosstab:

u = df.reset_index()v = u.merge(u, on='id_match').query('index_x != index_y')r = pd.crosstab(v.demographic_x,                 v.demographic_y,                 v.time_x.astype(int) + v.time_y.astype(int),                 aggfunc='sum')print(r)demographic_y     A     B    Cdemographic_x                 A               NaN  52.0  NaNB              52.0   NaN  NaNC               NaN   NaN  4.0

If you need the NaNs filled in with zeros, you can use fillna:

r.fillna(0, downcast='infer')demographic_y   A   B  Cdemographic_x           A               0  52  0B              52   0  0C               0   0  4