Delete row if any column contains one of the keywords Delete row if any column contains one of the keywords pandas pandas

Delete row if any column contains one of the keywords

You can join all columns together with + or apply and then create mask by Series.str.contains with joined values by | for regex OR:

df = df[~(df['Brand']+df['ID']+df['Description']).str.contains('|'.join(keywords))]


df = df[~df.apply(' '.join, 1).str.contains('|'.join(keywords))]print (df)    Brand     ID            Description1  iPhone  DF747                battery2    Acer  KH298  exchanged for a nokia

If need case not sensitive add case paremeter:

df = df[~df.apply(' '.join, 1).str.contains('|'.join(keywords), case=False)]print (df)    Brand     ID Description1  iPhone  DF747     battery

df = df[~(df.stack().str.contains('|'.join(keywords)).any(level=0))]


df = df[~(df.astype(str).sum(axis=1).str.contains('|'.join(keywords)))]


     Brand  ID      Description1   iPhone  DF747   battery2   Acer    KH298   exchanged for a nokia