Finding highest n values of every column in dataframe [duplicate] Finding highest n values of every column in dataframe [duplicate] pandas pandas

Finding highest n values of every column in dataframe [duplicate]

You can use apply with pandas.Series.nlargest function.

df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.nlargest(3).index))   u1  u2   u30  q5  q1  NaN1  q4  q5  NaN2  q2  q4  NaN

We need do stack then sort_values and create the new index use cumcount, and pivot to reshape it back

s=df.stack().reset_index().sort_values(0,ascending=False).\          assign(index=lambda x : x.groupby('level_1').cumcount()).\           pivot('index','level_1','level_0').\            reindex(columns=df.columns).head(3)Out[308]:        u1  u2  u3index            0      q5  q1 NaN1      q4  q5 NaN2      q2  q4 NaN