Grouping and Transforming in pandas Grouping and Transforming in pandas pandas pandas

Grouping and Transforming in pandas

Use GroupBy.transform for return Series with same size like original DataFrame, so possible create new column.

df['New'] = df.groupby('id').Name.transform(lambda x: x.value_counts().index[0])

Another solution:

df['New'] = df.groupby('id').Name.transform(lambda x: x.mode().iat[0])

print (df)       Name     Value       id      New0    Alegro  0.850122   alegro   ALEGRO1    Alegro  0.447362   alegro   ALEGRO2    AlEgro  0.711295   alegro   ALEGRO3    ALEGRO  0.123761   alegro   ALEGRO4    alegRo  0.273111   alegro   ALEGRO5    ALEGRO  0.564893   alegro   ALEGRO6    ALEGRO  0.276369   alegro   ALEGRO7    ALEGRO  0.526434   alegro   ALEGRO8    ALEGRO  0.924014   alegro   ALEGRO9    ALEGrO  0.629207   alegro   ALEGRO10  Belagio  0.834231  belagio  Belagio11  BElagio  0.788357  belagio  Belagio12  Belagio  0.092156  belagio  Belagio13  BeLaGio  0.810275  belagio  Belagio