How to fix tqdm progress_apply for pandas in Jupyter? How to fix tqdm progress_apply for pandas in Jupyter? pandas pandas

How to fix tqdm progress_apply for pandas in Jupyter?

Now you can just do:

from tqdm.notebook import tqdmtqdm.pandas()df.progress_apply(...)

My version of tqdm is 4.39.0

Answer from tqdm developer:

notebook support is still in a (late) beta stage. The API might change slightly when we release tqdm v5 but for now you probably need

from tqdm._tqdm_notebook import tqdm_notebooktqdm_notebook.pandas(...

This is what I run in my jupyter notebooks, and then progress_apply works:

from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_notebooktqdm_notebook().pandas()

I had been getting an error without the () after tqdm_notebook