How to resample data inside multiindex dataframe How to resample data inside multiindex dataframe pandas pandas

How to resample data inside multiindex dataframe

If want grouping with resample first is necessary DatetimeIndex only, so added DataFrame.reset_index by all levels without first, then grouping and resample with custom function, because pct_change for resample is not implemented:

def percent_change(x):    return pd.Series(x).pct_change()

Another idea is use numpy solution for pct_change:

def percent_change(x):    return x / np.concatenate(([np.nan], x[:-1])) - 1

df1 = (df.reset_index(level=[1,2,3])        .groupby(['month', 'week'])['Adj Close']        .resample('W')        .apply(percent_change))

this way every month would yield 4 values for weekly change

So it seems there is no groupby, only necessary downsample like sum and chain Series.pct_change:

df2 = (df.reset_index(level=[1,2,3])        .resample('W')['Adj Close']        .sum()        .pct_change())

Drop unwanted indexes. The datetime index is enough for re-sampling / grouping

df.index = df.index.droplevel(['month', 'week', 'day'])

Re-sample by week, select the column needed, add a aggregation function and then calculate percentage change.

df.resample('W')['Adj Close'].mean().pct_change()