import pandas results in ModuleNotFoundError :_lzma import pandas results in ModuleNotFoundError :_lzma pandas pandas

import pandas results in ModuleNotFoundError :_lzma

I was running into this exact same issue today! I was able to fix it though.

Pandas just put out a new version 0.25.0 on July 18th and changing the version back to 0.24.2 fixed this issue for me.

I hope this works for you too!


I have the same issue using pyenv. You don't need to rollback pandas.

To fix import errors, I've removed python:

$ pyenv uninstall 3.7.1

Installed dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev

and reinstalled version:

$ pyenv install 3.7.1

More on this dependencies here

just upgraded to version 0.25.1 and works well