Nested Json to pandas DataFrame with specific format Nested Json to pandas DataFrame with specific format pandas pandas

Nested Json to pandas DataFrame with specific format

If you load in the entire json as a dict (or list) e.g. using json.load, you can use json_normalize:

In [11]: d = {"response": {"body": {"contact": {"email": "", "mobile_number": "0123456789"}, "personal": {"last_name": "Muster", "gender": "m", "first_name": "Max", "dob": "1985-12-23", "family_status": "single", "title": "Dr."}, "customer": {"verified": "true", "customer_id": "1234567"}}, "token": "dsfgf", "version": "1.1"}}In [12]: df = pd.json_normalize(d)In [13]: df.columns = x: x.split(".")[-1])In [14]: dfOut[14]:        email mobile_number customer_id verified         dob family_status first_name gender last_name title  token version0    0123456789     1234567     true  1985-12-23        single        Max      m    Muster   Dr.  dsfgf     1.1