NoneType object is not iterable error in pandas NoneType object is not iterable error in pandas pandas pandas

NoneType object is not iterable error in pandas

Your sproc needs


Without this sql will return the rowcount for the call, which will come back without a column name, causing the NoneType error.

pd.read_sql() expects to have output to return, and tries to iterate through the output; that's where the TypeError is coming from. Instead, execute with a cursor object:

import datetime as dtimport pyodbcimport pandas as pdconn = pyodbc.connect('Trusted_Connection=yes', driver = '{SQL Server Native client 11.0}',server = '*****', database = '**')cur = conn.cursor()cur.execute("EXEC ******** '20140528'")

You won't receive any output, but since none is expected, your code should run without error.

import datetime as dtimport pyodbcimport pandas as pdconn = pyodbc.connect('Trusted_Connection=yes; driver =SQL Server Native client 11.0; server = *****, database = **')sqlSend = conn.cursor()sqlSend.execute(f"EXEC ******** '20140528'")conn.commint()