Pandas dataframe creating multiple rows at once via .loc Pandas dataframe creating multiple rows at once via .loc pandas pandas

Pandas dataframe creating multiple rows at once via .loc

Admittedly, this is a very late answer, but I have had to deal with a similar problem and think my solution might be helpful to others as well.

After recreating your data, it is basically a two-step approach:

  1. Recreate data:

    import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame({'a':[10, 20], 'b':[100,200]}, index='1 2'.split())df.loc[3, 'a'] = 30
  2. Extend the df.index using .reindex:

    idx = list(df.index)new_rows = list(map(str, range(4, 6)))  # easier extensible than new_rows = ["4", "5"]idx.extend(new_rows)df = df.reindex(index=idx)
  3. Set the values using .loc:

    df.loc[new_rows, "a"] = [40, 50]

    giving you

    >>> df      a      b1  10.0  100.02  20.0  200.03  30.0    NaN4  40.0    NaN5  50.0    NaN

Example data

>>> data = pd.DataFrame({    'a': [10, 6, -3, -2, 4, 12, 3, 3],     'b': [6, -3, 6, 12, 8, 11, -5, -5],     'id': [1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 2, 2, 4]})

Case 1 Note that range can be altered to whatever it is that you desire.

>>> for i in range(10):...     data.loc[i, 'a'] = 30... >>> data      a     b   id0  30.0   6.0  1.01  30.0  -3.0  1.02  30.0   6.0  1.03  30.0  12.0  1.04  30.0   8.0  6.05  30.0  11.0  2.06  30.0  -5.0  2.07  30.0  -5.0  4.08  30.0   NaN  NaN9  30.0   NaN  NaN

Case 2 Here we are adding a new column to a data frame that had 8 rows to begin with. As we extend our new column c to be of length 10 the other columns are extended with NaN.

>>> for i in range(10):...     data.loc[i, 'c'] = 30... >>> data      a     b   id     c0  10.0   6.0  1.0  30.01   6.0  -3.0  1.0  30.02  -3.0   6.0  1.0  30.03  -2.0  12.0  1.0  30.04   4.0   8.0  6.0  30.05  12.0  11.0  2.0  30.06   3.0  -5.0  2.0  30.07   3.0  -5.0  4.0  30.08   NaN   NaN  NaN  30.09   NaN   NaN  NaN  30.0