Pandas - normalize Json list Pandas - normalize Json list pandas pandas

Pandas - normalize Json list

Use DataFrame.explode on column bids then create a new dataframe from the dictionaries in exploded bids column and use DataFrame.join to join it with df:

df = data.explode('bids').dropna(subset=['bids']).reset_index(drop=True)df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(df.pop('bids').tolist()))


print(df)   id  price  quantity0   1    606        281   1    588        292   1    513        333   3   7143        154   3     68        915   3   6849        12

Adding another approach with np.repeat and np.concatenate with json_normalize

out =['bids']))out.insert(0,'id',np.repeat(data['id'],data['bids'].str.len()).to_numpy())

Or you can also use np.hstack as @Shubham mentions instead of np.concatenate:

out =['bids']))

print(out)   id  price  quantity0   1    606        281   1    588        292   1    513        333   3   7143        154   3     68        915   3   6849        12