Plotting markers on a map using Pandas & Folium Plotting markers on a map using Pandas & Folium pandas pandas

Plotting markers on a map using Pandas & Folium

Use apply along the column axis:

df.apply(lambda row:folium.CircleMarker(location=[row["LAT"],                                                   row["LONG"]]).add_to(map_osm),         axis=1)

use this example, I hope this help!

#Create the Mapmap_osm = folium.Map(    location = [43.094768, -75.348634],    zoom_start = 6)map_osm
#You Markler the point in Mapfor indice, row in df.iterrows():    folium.Marker(        location=[row["LAT"], row["LONG"]],        popup=row['NAME_COLUM'],'yellow')    ).add_to(map_osm)map_osm