Python pandas apply function if a column value is not NULL Python pandas apply function if a column value is not NULL pandas pandas

Python pandas apply function if a column value is not NULL

The problem is that pd.notnull(['foo', 'bar']) operates elementwise and returns array([ True, True], dtype=bool). Your if condition trys to convert that to a boolean, and that's when you get the exception.

To fix it, you could simply wrap the isnull statement with np.all:

df[['A','C']].apply(lambda x: my_func(x) if(np.all(pd.notnull(x[1]))) else x, axis = 1)

Now you'll see that np.all(pd.notnull(['foo', 'bar'])) is indeed True.

I had a column contained lists and NaNs. So, the next one worked for me. x: my_func(x) if type(x) == list else x)

Also another way is to just use row.notnull().all() (without numpy), here is an example:

df.apply(lambda row: func1(row) if row.notnull().all() else func2(row), axis=1)

Here is a complete example on your df:

>>> d = {'A': [None, 2, 3, 4], 'B': [11, None, 33, 4], 'C': [None, ['a','b'], None, 4]}>>> df = pd.DataFrame(d)>>> df     A     B       C0  NaN  11.0    None1  2.0   NaN  [a, b]2  3.0  33.0    None3  4.0   4.0       4>>> def func1(r):...     return 'No'...>>> def func2(r):...     return 'Yes'...>>> df.apply(lambda row: func1(row) if row.notnull().all() else func2(row), axis=1)0    Yes1    Yes2    Yes3     No

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