Remove border from html table created via pandas Remove border from html table created via pandas pandas pandas

Remove border from html table created via pandas

to_html() generates <table border="1" class="dataframe">...

You could just do:


Also, to answer specifically, there does not appear to be anything you can pass. border="1" appears to be hardcoded:

As of version 0.19.0, pandas to_html() borders can be changed in two ways:

  1. Globally: pd.options.html.border = 0
  2. Locally: to_html(border = 0)

UPDATE 2019-07-11:

Per @Hagbard's comment, my original global solution has been deprecated in favor of the following:pd.options.display.html.border = 0


If you are would like use pd.Styler. You could do something like this :    'style="border-collapse:collapse"').set_table_styles([    # Rest of styles]).render()