Resample in a rolling window using pandas Resample in a rolling window using pandas pandas pandas

Resample in a rolling window using pandas

I had a similar issue dealing with a timedelta series where I wanted to take a moving average and then resample. Here is an example where I have 100 seconds of data. I take a rolling average of 10 second windows and then resample for every 5 seconds, taking the first entry in each resample bin. The result should be the previous 10 second average at 5 second increments. You could do something similar with month format instead of seconds:

df = pd.DataFrame(range(0,100), index=pd.TimedeltaIndex(range(0,100),'s'))df.rolling('10s').mean().resample('5s').first()


             000:00:00   0.000:00:05   2.500:00:10   5.500:00:15  10.500:00:20  15.500:00:25  20.500:00:30  25.500:00:35  30.500:00:40  35.500:00:45  40.500:00:50  45.500:00:55  50.500:01:00  55.500:01:05  60.500:01:10  65.500:01:15  70.500:01:20  75.500:01:25  80.500:01:30  85.500:01:35  90.5

Here's an attempt - not super clean, but it might work.

Dummy data:

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'a': 1.},                   index=pd.date_range(start='2001-1-1', periods=1000))

First define a function to decrease a date n number of months. This needs to be cleaned up, but works for n<=12.

from datetime import datetime    def decrease_month(date, n):    assert(n <= 12)    new_month = date.month - n    year_offset = 0    if new_month <= 0:        year_offset = -1        new_month = 12 + new_month    return datetime(date.year + year_offset, new_month, 1)

Then, add 5 new columns for the 5 rolling periods that each date will cross.

for n in range(rolling_period):    df['m_' + str(n)] = x: decrease_month(x, n))

Then - use the melt function to convert the data from wide to long, so each rolling period will have one entry.

df_m = pd.melt(df, id_vars='a')

You should be able to groupby the newly created column, and each date will represent the right 5 month rolling period.

In [222]: df_m.groupby('value').sum()Out[222]:               avalue          2000-09-01   312000-10-01   592000-11-01   902000-12-01  1202001-01-01  1512001-02-01  1502001-03-01  1532001-04-01  1532001-05-01  1532001-06-01  1532001-07-01  153...

I have solved a similar problem with the following code:

interval = 5frames = []for base in range(interval):  frame = data.resample(f"{interval}min", base=base).last()  frames.append(frame)pd.concat(frames, axis=0).sort_index()

Here I create 5 data frames which are resampled at the same interval, but have different offsets (the base parameter). Then I just have to concatenate and sort them. Should usually be much more efficient than rolling + resampling (the only overhead is the sorting).