Reshaping Pandas Dataframe with Grouped Data (Long to Wide) Reshaping Pandas Dataframe with Grouped Data (Long to Wide) pandas pandas

Reshaping Pandas Dataframe with Grouped Data (Long to Wide)

You can use pivot and new columns are last value of column entity_id extracted by indexing with str:

df = pd.pivot(index=df.group_id, columns=df.entity_id.str[-1], values=df.value)       .add_prefix('entity_')       .rename_axis(None, axis=1)       .reset_index()print (df)  group_id  entity_1  entity_2  entity_30        A       5.0       3.0       2.01        B      10.0       8.0      11.02        C       2.0       6.0       NaN

Solution with cumcount:

df = pd.pivot(index=df.group_id,              columns=df.groupby('group_id').cumcount() + 1,               values=df.value)       .add_prefix('entity_')       .reset_index()print (df)  group_id  entity_1  entity_2  entity_30        A       5.0       3.0       2.01        B      10.0       8.0      11.02        C       2.0       6.0       NaN

Another solution with groupby and apply, last reshape by unstack:

df = df.groupby("group_id")["value"]       .apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.values))       .unstack()       .add_prefix('entity_')       .reset_index()print (df)  group_id  entity_0  entity_1  entity_20        A       5.0       3.0       2.01        B      10.0       8.0      11.02        C       2.0       6.0       NaN

If need count from 1:

df = df.groupby("group_id")["value"].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.values))       .unstack()       .rename(columns = lambda x: x+1)       .add_prefix('entity_')       .reset_index()print (df)  group_id  entity_1  entity_2  entity_30        A       5.0       3.0       2.01        B      10.0       8.0      11.02        C       2.0       6.0       NaN