Truncate table not working with SQL server sqlalchemy engine and pandas Truncate table not working with SQL server sqlalchemy engine and pandas pandas pandas

Truncate table not working with SQL server sqlalchemy engine and pandas

I have the same problem with pandas 0.19.2 and sqlalchemy 1.1.5.

As I see autocommit is not forced in engine.execute() when running a TRUNCATE statement. If I force it manually then TRUNCATE works perfectly:

from sqlalchemy.sql import text as sa_textengine.execute(sa_text('''TRUNCATE TABLE tempy''').execution_options(autocommit=True))

It's fancy that DROP works perfectly without forcing autocommit...

This worked for me:

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmakerSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)session = Session()session.execute('''TRUNCATE TABLE tempy''')session.commit()session.close()

Here is a full solution based from the question, using sqlalchemy 1.1.15 on Windows I was receiving errors trying to implement the other solutions:

import sqlalchemyengine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql://myserver/mydb?driver=SQL+Server+Native+Client+11.0?trusted_connection=yes')connection = engine.connect()truncate_query = sqlalchemy.text("TRUNCATE TABLE tempy")connection.execution_options(autocommit=True).execute(truncate_query)