Unsure how to use colormap with Folium marker plot Unsure how to use colormap with Folium marker plot pandas pandas

Unsure how to use colormap with Folium marker plot

I'm in a rush, but this is how I've done it in the past. Create the CM and then call it like so colormap(.9)

import foliumimport pandas as pdimport folium.pluginsimport brancaimport branca.colormap as cmdata = [    [33.823400, -118.12194, 99.23],    [33.823500, -118.12294, 95.23],    [33.823600, -118.12394, 91.23],    [33.823700, -118.12494, 90.00]]df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['latitude','longitude','power'])x_start = (df['latitude'].max() + df['latitude'].min()) / 2y_start = (df['longitude'].max() + df['longitude'].min()) / 2start_coord = (x_start, y_start)colormap = cm.LinearColormap(colors=['red','lightblue'], index=[90,100],vmin=90,vmax=100)map = folium.Map(location=start_coord, zoom_start=12)lat = list(df.latitude)lon = list(df.longitude)pow = list(df.power)for loc, p in zip(zip(lat, lon), pow):    folium.Circle(        location=loc,        radius=10,        fill=True,        color=colormap(p),        #fill_opacity=0.7    ).add_to(map)map.add_child(colormap)display(map)

Map with colour bar