Why would I get a memory error with fast_executemany on a tiny df? Why would I get a memory error with fast_executemany on a tiny df? pandas pandas

Why would I get a memory error with fast_executemany on a tiny df?

I was able to reproduce your issue using pyodbc 4.0.23. The MemoryError was related to your use of the ancient


Further testing using

DRIVER=ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server

also failed, with

Function sequence error (0) (SQLParamData)

which was related to an existing pyodbc issue on GitHub. I posted my findings here.

That issue is still under investigation. In the meantime you might be able to proceed by

  • using a newer ODBC driver like DRIVER=ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server, and
  • running pip install pyodbc==4.0.22 to use an earlier version of pyodbc.

I experienced this issue with 32 bit and switched my interrupter to 64 bit which resolved my memory issue. Out side of that solution, I would recommend is chunking the amount of data you process. You can establish your threshold and once that threshold is met you can process that chunk of data and iterate through until you have processed all of the data.

I was facing thi issue too.

Solved by changing:


To this: