"Zebra Tables" in IPython Notebook? "Zebra Tables" in IPython Notebook? pandas pandas

"Zebra Tables" in IPython Notebook?

You can run arbitrary javascript (with jQuery) either in markdown cells inside <script> tags, or via IPython's IPython.core.display.Javascript class. With these, you can manipulate (or ruin) the document to your heart's content, including adding stylesheets.

For instance, the following will stripe appropriately classed tables:

<script type="text/javascript">    $('head').append(        "<style type='text/css'>tr.odd{background-color: #def}</style>"    );</script>

If you just stick that in one of your markdown cells, then it will apply to everything on the page.

Or, you might run the same code (minus <script> tags) from Python in a code cell:

from IPython.core.display import Javascript, displaydisplay(Javascript("""    $('head').append(        "<style type='text/css'>tr.odd{background-color: #def}</style>"    );"""))

But doing this will only affect your tables that are appropriately classed, which is up to the code that is writing the HTML (e.g. in Pandas).

I just released a project called ipy_table to provide an easy mechanism for creating richly formatted data tables in IPython notebooks (colors, borders, alignment, float formatting, zebra shading, etc.). The project is at https://github.com/epmoyer/ipy_table, and you can get a good idea of it's capabilities from https://github.com/epmoyer/ipy_table/blob/master/ipy_table-Reference.pdf.

if you are interested in building grids/tables using slickgrid, but in python, then you maybe be interested in qgrid. This works from ipython notebooks using pandas.


Another option is using handsontable like this:


Yet another, 3rd option using pandas only is here:

Pandas Dataframes to_html: Highlighting table rows

Fourth option is to use template engine such as jinja2 like this:

Pandas Dataframe display on a webpage


Finally there is an open issue in pandas to render based on templates:


P.S. Python guru from Google suggests this minimal solution (avoid any third-party dependency):


or read his book:

Python in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition,Chapter 23 Structured Text: HTML