#1033 - Incorrect information in file: './database_name/table_name.frm' #1033 - Incorrect information in file: './database_name/table_name.frm' php php

#1033 - Incorrect information in file: './database_name/table_name.frm'

Sounds like your host may have disabled InnoDB, which will make any existing InnoDB tables unusable. They may also have accidentally destroyed the InnoDB data file.

Either way, there's nothing you can do yourself to recover it.

Come to /etc/my.cnf an change config to

max_connections = 2500query_cache_limit = 2Mquery_cache_size = 150Mtmp_table_size = 200Mmax_heap_table_size = 300Mkey_buffer_size = 300Mtmpdir = /dev/shm

Run command:service mysqld restart

check again, Good luck

Just try to restart mysql. It helped me fix the problem