A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP? [closed] A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP? [closed] php php

A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP? [closed]

A full year of time and labor after asking this, I've finally open sourced my version of var_dump, Kint. Read about it in the project page, or directly in github.

Here's a screenshot:


Sorry for the plug :)

EDIT: I'd just like to remind the commenters, that this is not a support forum, if you're having problems/want a feature, please file an issue. Support requesting comments will be flagged for deletion.

My prefered on is the var_dump function, as provided by the Xdebug extension : just install the extension (easy, both on windows and Linux), and var_dump gets a better output :

  • better formating
    • HTML
    • colors
  • and you have options to tune how much informations should be displayed

And a quick screenshot :


And, of course, Xdebug brings loads of other usefull stuff, like remote debugging (i.e. graphical debugging of your PHP application, in Eclipse PDT for instance), profiling, ...

I wrote my own: REF (demo):

r() output

Plans are to add text-only rendering, and display info about the input expression like Kint does...