Adding a package with Composer (through SVN) Adding a package with Composer (through SVN) php php

Adding a package with Composer (through SVN)

If you use the officially recommended repository layout with a "project root" (which contains exactly three subdirectories: /trunk, /branches, and /tags) then this should work for you:

For your PHP library create composer.json in project root in the trunk (and commit it). For example:

{    "name": "myProject/myLibrary",    "description": "My Personal Library",    "license": "proprietary",    "require": {        "php": ">=5.3"    },    "autoload": {        "classmap": ["src/"]    }}

Lets say your library repository is available at The layout then would be:

/path/to/myLibrary  /trunk    /composer.json    /src      ...  /branches  /tags

Then in you project, where you want to use your library, create composer.json with the following contents:

{    "repositories": [        {            "type": "vcs",            "url": ""        }    ],    "require": {        "nette/nette": "~2.2",        "myProject/myLibrary": "@dev"    }}

The key is to use @dev as the required version for your library if you only have composer.json in trunk yet. Once you create a tag from trunk, you can start using version numbers. For example if you svn copy ^/trunk ^/tags/1.0.0, then you can use "myProject/myLibrary": "~1.0" as your version number.

Try to get more information calling composer update -v to get a list of possible version strings you can use.

I for example got the info, that the correct name for fetching the trunk was this config:

{    "name": "sample/test",    "type": "library",    "version": "0.0.0",    "time" : "2013-04-16",    "description": "Testing ...",    "repositories": [        {            "type": "svn",            "url": ""        }    ],    "require": {        "php": ">=5.3.3",        "zendframework/zendframework1" : "dev-trunk"    }}

Calling composer with -v as argument, you'll get a list of branches, tags and the trunk, if found. I don't know if false is allowed as path for tags and branches ...

$ composer update -vLoading composer repositories with package informationReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-0.1.1)Skipped tag 0.1.1, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-0.1.2)Skipped tag 0.1.2, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-0.1.3)Skipped tag 0.1.3, no composer file was found....Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.9.6)Importing tag 1.9.6 ( composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.9.7)Importing tag 1.9.7 ( composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.9.8)Importing tag 1.9.8 ( composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (trunk)Importing branch trunk (dev-trunk)Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (bughuntday)Skipped branch bughuntday, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (development-2.0)Skipped branch development-2.0, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (pdo_ibm_ids_support)Skipped branch pdo_ibm_ids_support, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.0)Importing branch release-1.0 (dev-release-1.0)Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.10)Importing branch release-1.10 (dev-release-1.10)....Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.8)Importing branch release-1.8 (dev-release-1.8)Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (release-1.9)Importing branch release-1.9 (dev-release-1.9)Reading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (rob_allen)Skipped branch rob_allen, no composer file was foundReading composer.json of zendframework/zendframework1 (user)Skipped branch user, no composer file was foundUpdating dependencies (including require-dev)

You can safely ignore all excepted by this line, which tells you what you have to set as requested version:

Importing branch trunk (dev-trunk)