Advanced Custom Fields display last three sub-repeater rows Advanced Custom Fields display last three sub-repeater rows php php

Advanced Custom Fields display last three sub-repeater rows

Probably you should be using for instead of while. And consider the following algorithm:

1) Get the last row from event_month

2) Count the number of events in that month

3) If the number of events are more than or equal to 3.

  3.1) Get last 3 events and display them

4) Else count the number of remaing events (3-<<events in last month>>)

  4.1) Now get the second last row and repeat steps 2,3,4

So using the above logic your code should look something like:

<?php function getEvents($rows, $noOfEvents){    $resultArray = array();    if($rows && count($rows > 0)) {        $events = $rows[count($rows)-1]['event'];        $events = is_array($events) ? $events : array();        $eventCount = count($events);        if($eventCount < $noOfEvents){            $noOfOtherEvents = $noOfEvents-$eventCount;            array_pop($rows);            $iterate = getEvents($rows,$noOfOtherEvents);            $resultArray = array_merge($events,$iterate);             }        else{            $resultArray =  array_slice($rows, 0-$eventCount, $eventCount);        }        return $resultArray;}$rows = get_field('event_month', 1263);if($rows) {    $requiredEvents = getEvents($rows,3);        //3 or how many ever last you want    foreach($requiredEvents as $event){        var_dump($event); //this should have all you need like $event['event_title'],$event['event_day'],ect...     }}

This may not be the answer that everyone was looking for on this one, but here's what I did as a work-around, which worked well enough for me.

I ended up resolving the issue outside of php, using css to select the last three list items. Here is what I used, worked great.

.connect-list-wrapper ul li{    display: none;}.connect-list-wrapper ul li:nth-last-child(-n+3) {    display: block;}