Anonymous class construction Anonymous class construction php php

Anonymous class construction

In PHP 7.0 there will be anonymous classes. I don't fully understand your question, but your create_class() function might look like this:

function create_class(string $key, array &$repository) {    $obj = new class($key) {        private $key;        function __construct($key) {            $this->key = $key;        }    };    $repository[$key] = $obj;    return $obj;}

This will instantiate an object with an anonymous class type and register it into the $repository. To get an object out you use the key you created it with: $repository[''].

You can create a dummy class using stdClass

$the_obj = new stdClass();

So basically you want to implement a factory pattern.

Class Factory() {  static $cache = array();  public static getClass($class, Array $params = null) {    // Need to include the inc or php file in order to create the class    if (array_key_exists($class, self::$cache) {      throw new Exception("Class already exists");    }    self::$cache[$class] = $class;    return new $class($params);  }}public youClass1() {  public __construct(Array $params = null) {     ...  }}

Add a cache within to check for duplicates