Are there any artificial intelligence projects in PHP out there? [closed] Are there any artificial intelligence projects in PHP out there? [closed] php php

Are there any artificial intelligence projects in PHP out there? [closed]

Take a look to Program O:

This is the description of the project:

Program O is an AIML engine written in PHP with MySQL. Here you can find support, help, bot addons, a brilliant and friendly community and ofcourse the Program O download files.

And this mini tutorial for creating Neural Networks in PHP:

This site could be interesting for you as well:

I notice many people dislike the idea of working AI with PHP, but since the most of the websites are in PHP, it will be very interesting start to bring AI to them.

PHP Artificial intelligence links.This is a github project and the project is beautifully active. download and use. But documentation is not complete


PHP-ML - Machine Learning library for PHP

PHP is mostly a web-based technology as far as I know.

AI work is typically done in other languages (e.g., Lisp). But that doesn't mean you can't port the ideas to something else like PHP.

But Google found this - first hit on "PHP artificial intelligence".