Automatic image format detection in PHP Automatic image format detection in PHP php php

Automatic image format detection in PHP

This is one of the functions of getimagesize. They probably should have called it "getimageinfo", but that's PHP for you.

   //Image Processing    $cover = $_FILES['cover']['name'];    $cover_tmp_name = $_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'];    $cover_img_path = '/images/';    $type = exif_imagetype($cover_tmp_name);if ($type == (IMAGETYPE_PNG || IMAGETYPE_JPEG || IMAGETYPE_GIF || IMAGETYPE_BMP)) {        $cover_pre_name = md5($cover);  //Just to make a image name random and cool :D/** * @description : possible exif_imagetype() return values in $type * 1 - gif image * 2 - jpg image * 3 - png image * 6 - bmp image */        switch ($type) {    #There are more type you can choose. Take a look in php manual ->            case '1' :                $cover_format = 'gif';                break;            case '2' :                $cover_format = 'jpg';                break;            case '3' :                $cover_format = 'png';                break;            case '6' :                $cover_format = 'bmp';                break;            default :                die('There is an error processing the image -> please try again with a new image');                break;        }    $cover_name = $cover_pre_name . '.' . $cover_format;      //Checks whether the uploaded file exist or not            if (file_exists($cover_img_path . $cover_name)) {                $extra = 1;                while (file_exists($cover_img_path . $cover_name)) {        $cover_name = md5($cover) . $extra . '.' . $cover_format;                    $extra++;                }            }     //Image Processing Ends

this will make image name look cool and unique

Use exif_imagetype() if it's available ..:

I'm pretty sure exif functions are available by default (i.e. you have to specifically exclude them rather than specifically include them) when you install php